Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's getting HOT in here!

Yesterday was my first time filming Martin Kuum. Although I got really tired from his huge speed, i loved it. His style is very fast and urban, which was a different filming experience for me, since I've never met anyone who skated quite like that. The weather was really shitty: cold, rainy and very windy. That means I only got 2 clips from yesterday, which I cannot post because I need them for the video. Instead I'll post some bails, which look very painful.

Later that day I met up with Hallar. Actually, it was 8:30pm and dark. He wanted me to film a trick on a manual pad. After 50 tries he got really frustrated and lost his mind a bit, which the clip below shows.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I had a fairly odd weekend. It mostly consisted of being awake like being the living dead. It didn't matter if it was night or day, you just can't close your eyes and go to sleep when there are alot of activites orbiting around you. Friday night i went to sleep at 5am. Since the next morning was the Simpel Session event, I had to wake up really early. I mean 8am-early. Worst feeling ever, waking up with a terrible hangover and not getting a good ammount of sleep. But oh well, the warmup started at 9am and I HAD to film it, because homeboys need to earn their $$. My only fuel for the day were Red Bull's. And alot of them! The competition itself was good, nothing spectacular. A few hammers here and there, some nice styles etc. To sum up:

1. Sergo
2. Kaur Rank
3. Eron Nõlvand

The TOP 10 skaters qualified for the Simpel Session winter event next year in January.

After the competition I still felt like a dead guy. Thought i should go to home and have a good ammount of zZz's. That plan didn't work out because i got some phonecalls from certain people asking me and my friends to go to a party. I have to admit, the party was fucking awesome and I don't regret going there, even though i wanted to sleep so bad. Oh yeah, I actually wen't home about 3am with a friend (no, not a male friend). Finally got sleep at 5am, sweet.

I have a killer job-interview tomorrow. There's a pretty big chance that I'm going to be filming for "Tantsud Tähtedega" (A tv-show) behind the scenes and other stuff like that. Hope i get it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Still pending between +25 and +30 C

So I actually made a lousy blogspot account to post what I do in everyday life. I hope alot of people don't read this, or else I'll feel embarrassed.
Today started out like the last 2 weeks. Crazy temperature and more sun than fire in the Devil's domain. I snoozed off early last night so I had a good night sleep and woke up all energetic. Met my ex-girlfriend for the first time in a month. Had lunch and she wen't back to work. I thought it wen't great, since I was still positive about the day. Wen't to skate with Zanja, Hendrik and Lauri at Kullo. Actually to warm up. Well, i pathetically managed to injure myself doing a switch fs flip on flat with slip-on's and landing primo. It still hurts. Put some Fastum Gel on the motherfucker, hope it's better tomorrow. It even didn't matter if I fucked my foot or not, since i had an appointment with Juss anyway. It was scheduled at 4pm. Took some t-shirts, a pair of chukka's and some tapes. Can't film shit without tapes, yo! Came back home and that's basically it. Watched alot of Scrubs and chilled. Probably ate too much also. But whatever.
It's 2am, so I better hit the sack. Have a good one!

PS: A photo of Lauri I took a week ago.

Viva la Latvia!

Day 1

On a rainy day at the end of July we decided to have a roadtrip to Riga, Latvia to have some fun and catch the Converse Sk8attack competition. We had 2 cars and 8 people, including me. Also attending this trip to Riga were Kristjan Prik, Hendrik Hundt, Mihkel Vahermaa, Hendrik Gross, Eron Nõlvand, Eron's friend Ats (sorry, i don't know his last name) and Georges Agonkouin. It was the best day of the week: friday. Car 1 with Ats, Eron and Krix left the capital of Estonia in the morning. Since Gross is a working man, the rest of us had to wait for him til 3pm. We met up, bought some food and beverages and off we went. The mandatory Pärnu pit-stop was a blessing, since everybody was either hungry, thirsty or had to piss. We arrived to Riga at 8pm. Krix, Gross and Georges had a hotel reservation and the rest of us accepted the fact that we had to sleep on the floor at their rooms. "Don't worry about a place to stay, we have extra two rooms available for you", said Kristaps, who was one of the organizers of the competition and the "godfather of latvian skateboarding", as most skaters would describe him. Once we settled in to our rooms the only thought in our minds was to check the park out and get to skate it a bit before it gets dark. Lucky for us the park was approximately 7 minutes from the hotel, that is if you skated the whole way. Skated the park for a hour and later Kristaps with his friend (who drove us alot, thanks for that!) told us to get the fuck in the minivan and get a bite to eat. After a couple of beers and a bottle of whiskey we got back to our hotel, showered, changed clothes and headed back to town via taxi (who by the way ripped us off. Cunt). Gross and Georges went to "Club Essential" or something like that and the rest of us wandered trough town. Found some bars, had a pint and a chat. Got to our hotel at 4:30 am or something. Hendrik fell asleep and Miku and I had a cigarette because we couldn't sleep. Must be insomnia. Anyway, since we were bored we decided to tease Hendrik a bit. It was fun for 10 minutes. Our next thought was to stay up til free hotel breakfast (7-11), eat and then go to sleep. While our plan seemed watertight, we didn't. We doze off and found ourselves the next morning in the bed. Atleast we woke up before they stopped giving free food!

Day 2

It was a sunny Saturday morning and the competition was ahead of us. The free breakast was delicious, but my liver thought otherwise. The competition was scheduled at 1pm so we had some time to chill at our room. Talked about the night before, which is always funny. But we got bored and went to the park a hour earlier. Some guys wanted to "warm-up", as they tried to convince me, but we all know that they were stoked on finding some latvian girls. So off to the park we went! Eron, Gross, Krix and Georges competed also, so they had to skate extra while the rest of us just slacked off. Some sick tricks went down, some shitty tricks went down. As usual. Nobody ASKED me to film the competition, so all of the footage is filmed because i got bored. I didn't film the finals, where the best hammers went down, because i'm such a slacker and actually wanted to enjoy skateboarding trough my very own eyes. I'll sum up:
Highest ollie: Georges Agonkouin 95cm
Best trick: Enis Fazilov, flip crooked grind.
Sympathy prize: Karlis Bogustovs
Best video: Whei! (Finland)
3rd place: Samu Karvonen
2nd place: Ville Mäkela
1st place: Georges Agonkouin

When the competition finished, everybody anxiously waited for the afterparty. Food and beer from Statoil, hotel, shower, eat, drink, drink some more, being nude at the hotel hallway, drunken finns, clothes, beerbong, afterparty. The location was a bit sketchy. It was next to a yacht port, the house looked like a boat-shack where you could buy alcoholic drinks for some lats trough a small window. Needless to say, it was awesome and fucking epic! Eron was trying to be the 19 year old version of Hugh Hefner, I found some new friends, everybody else were making new friends and Krix almost died that night. Yeah, that's right! Falling into the river when you're drunk is not good. Dozen hands were stretching for him, since the wall was so high. 4 or 5 tries were unsuccessful and when he almost was to weak to swim, he got an arm and got pulled out. His clothes, wallet and cellphone were all wet and it was 2 am. Not a good state to be in. Ditching the party seemed like a good option. Wondering at the streets trying to find an after-after party. The location that we went to was some bar named Cafe Cuba. All the finns were there too, so we were bound to have a good time. And good times we had. Me and Krix were pretty tired and he was wet also, so we decided to head back to our hotel room in the early morning. It seemed like deja vu. We walked half of the length and all of the sudden Krix says: "Hey, let's go back!" "Back where?", i responded. "I don't feel like going to the hotel anymore so i'm just going to go back to the city now." That kind of made me nervous, because he still was drunk and delusional, but it also was funny for me because it was pretty stupid. Walking back alone wasn't that fun, especially when some guy comes who screames "Heil Hitler!" to me. Awkward. I was the only person with the room key and i had no idea how the other guys were going to get it. Honestly, i didn't care, because they could get a spare key from the reception anyway. Which they did. I tried to stay awake by reading the latest Transworld but no, i was dead.

Day 3

I woke up, found the guys next to me. "Good, they got it", i thought. Tried to go to the bathroom but only to find krix on the floor. Everybody woke up and went to eat free food. Having apple juice and laughing about the night before equals good times. Sadly we didn't have time to skate any spots since we had to get back to Tallinn. Gave the administrator my key, checked out and off we were for a 4 hour journey on various tarmac roads. Fin.