Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Still pending between +25 and +30 C

So I actually made a lousy blogspot account to post what I do in everyday life. I hope alot of people don't read this, or else I'll feel embarrassed.
Today started out like the last 2 weeks. Crazy temperature and more sun than fire in the Devil's domain. I snoozed off early last night so I had a good night sleep and woke up all energetic. Met my ex-girlfriend for the first time in a month. Had lunch and she wen't back to work. I thought it wen't great, since I was still positive about the day. Wen't to skate with Zanja, Hendrik and Lauri at Kullo. Actually to warm up. Well, i pathetically managed to injure myself doing a switch fs flip on flat with slip-on's and landing primo. It still hurts. Put some Fastum Gel on the motherfucker, hope it's better tomorrow. It even didn't matter if I fucked my foot or not, since i had an appointment with Juss anyway. It was scheduled at 4pm. Took some t-shirts, a pair of chukka's and some tapes. Can't film shit without tapes, yo! Came back home and that's basically it. Watched alot of Scrubs and chilled. Probably ate too much also. But whatever.
It's 2am, so I better hit the sack. Have a good one!

PS: A photo of Lauri I took a week ago.

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